
Posts Tagged ‘wreath’

Happy Christmas!

2012-12-04 11.35.25

I’ve been a rubbish blogger lately, I know. My new year resolution is to do better. But I have been making things, and to prove it, here’s the Christmas wreath I started a while ago.

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I’m incredibly pleased with it! And with the rattan circle I picked up from Hobbycraft (we now have one in York!) instead of the polystyrene circle I was thinking of.

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Before I glued the centre buttons in place, I threaded a length of florists’ wire through the shank, then bent it in half, and just pushed it into the wreath. The flowers are a bit liable to fall off if roughly handled, but it’s safely on the wall (I’m not risking it on the front door!) so they’re not going anywhere. I just need to find a suitable sized box to store it in.

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There are 25 flowers in total, with between five and ten petals each, so including the centres that’s over 200 circles of fabric I cut out. All by hand. I think I’m circled out for the time being! But I can see that a less Christmassy one would be pretty too, perhaps on a heart shaped base if I can find one.

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And that’s it from me for tonight. Have a lovely Christmas, may your stockings be full of wonderful crafty things (and if they aren’t, well, that’s the perfect excuse to treat yourself…!)

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